Dress Rehearsal for Earth Chant

Here is a piece that I wrote in spring of 2003. I read it on my radio talk show last week along with playing the concert, "Earth Chant" by Aurora Chorus, which I sang with for a year or so. Preparing for and singing in this concert was a marvelous and healing experience. Enjoy. Link to the Radio Show pod cast All Things Woo Woo Dress Rehearsal for Earth Chant By Susan Fullmer I find myself standing on risers on a stage of a large, darkened, empty auditorium, surrounded by 100 beautiful women ages 15 to 70 something. I am at the onset of what promises to be a panic attack. I am breathing and thinking, “How did I get here and why, oh why did I tell anyone about this concert?”. I know how I got here. It’s because of The List. My, “Things I want to do before I die” list. Now, it does not say parachute jumping from a plane as one might suspect. But it does include, “Sing in a choir”. I haven’t sun...