"Red Rover, Red Rover, send Susan right over!"

I played Red Rover last night. How many decades has it been since I've played that game? A conservative estimate would be 45. My friend publicized this gathering before hand saying, "We all say we want to play more so let's get together and have fun. And let's play Red Rover." And so we did. For those of you who may not have had the privilege of playing this game, I'll explain the rules. Two teams line up facing each other some distance apart. One team calls someone from the other team to "come right over" (see the above title for exact wording). The team joins hands and tries to prevent that person from breaking through their line as the person comes across the divide running full force. I had some trepidation about this whole venture. If you have been reading my past blogs you know that I have been struggling to remember how to play. And I have been wanting to remedy that deficit in my life. In the past, I was n...