A Former Wife's Story

This is something I wrote in 1995. I will remind you that it was a time before such things as Ellen and The Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. It was a time before internet for the masses. No body was talking about this, unless you count the sensational talk shows. And by the way, because I was considered a subject expert at the time, I was a guest on Opera, Sally Jessy Raphael, and Geraldo talk shows in the early 90s. At the time I founded and facilitated local and national support groups for straight spouses and partners of homosexuals. Dan Reynolds on The Daily Show After watching Dan Reynolds from Imagine Dragons on the Daily Show, I have been thinking about this issue that used to saturate my life, my every moment. I found this article that I wrote over 20 years ago. It pains me that we are still stuck in this. We are still losing our loved ones to depression and suicide for a situation that we create. Enough! I re...