Healer or Prostitute?

I am in Applied Ethics 430 this semester. We just read a letter Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote when he was a prisoner in the Birmingham Jail. He was arrested for purposely breaking what he felt to be an unethical law, very interesting if you haven't had a chance to read it. Here is my first assignment: Suggest a current law you believe is unethical. Would you be willing to violate that law openly and willingly accept the punishment as Dr. King did, in order to change the law? Rather than speaking of a current law, I am going to relate a story that happened to me in 1995. I was a brand new graduate of the Utah College of Massage Therapy. As a Licensed Massage Therapist, I leased an office on Main Street in Provo Utah, printed business cards, and decorated my office. It was a dream come true to own my own business. As a nurse and massage therapist I was set to work under doctor’s orders as I specialized in injury recovery from motor vehicle accidents and worker’...