Humanistic Mediation: A Transformative Journey of Peacemaking

Quick paper I just wrote. Not my best writing by far, but a fabulous subject. If you haven't heard of Restorative Justice (Humanistic Mediation), give it a Google. Susan Fullmer DISP 495: 15 October 2018 Humanistic Mediation: A Transformative Journey of Peacemaking By Mark S. Umbreit, Ph.D. Reflection Humanistic Mediation is an unique style of mediation that includes spirituality, compassionate strength and a focus on our basic human needs and connection. Not only is it an effective model of conflict resolution, it can bring a greater sense of community and social harmony. In all of the conflict resolution techniques that I have studied for my degree in Multidisciplinary Studies and a certificate in dispute resolution, I feel this style most fits my own. It’s underlying values reflects many of my own beliefs such as connectedness of all things and our common humanity, belief in the desire of most people to live peacefully, and belief in the ...