Deanna Troi and the Bison Model’s Linear Spin-bath Coupling

I work full time at Boise State University and I am a student there as well. In other words, I spend a lot of time on campus. Which I love, don’t get me wrong. One of the things I like most about that is there is always something going on. Yesterday, on my lunch hour, I went to a lecture by Dr. Olga Goulko entitled Colloidal Crystals, Quasicrystals, Fluid-Fluid Transitions, and the Entropic Bond. I found myself in a strange new world called the, “Engineering Building”. Even the people seated in the auditorium had a distinct energy that I had never been in before. Physically, there were hardly any similarities in the group. All ages, maybe a fifth of them were women, and every kind of dress and walk of life you could imagine. I didn’t hardly understand a word that was said, but during the question and answer period after the presentation it was evident that the audience knew exactly what she had said. Was I the only one that was completely lost? ...