The Animist’s Life is Saved by a Possum

I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to a frantic screeching sound. Though I had never heard it before, I knew immediately what it was. And the translation of it was as clear as a bell - "Wake up, there is danger!" My tiny backyard has a cluster of cedar trees. One of the trunks had grown at a jaunty angle of about 45 degrees. This is the wildlife highway of my neighborhood. To my delight, many creatures use it as a handy "ladder" to go up to the tops of the cedars and back down again. It is right next to my bedroom window and so when the screeching originated from this trunk, there was no way I wouldn't hear it. I was suddenly awake and trying to make sense of what was happening. Full panic was coming on, a place where I cannot hear the voice of animals nor my intuition. I had already perceived that a possum was trying to get me to wake up and hear and respond to his message. In order for me to fully get what h...