We Shall See

(Map of my semester long research paper)

Today's Schedule

0900 - English 102, Final Draft due on research paper we have been working on ALL semester. Then during class lecture realizing I may have done the whole thing wrong.  OK, maybe a slight exaggeration.  But let's just say, I made an appointment for tomorrow morning with the teacher to see if I can salvage something.

1015 - Library to ask very helpful librarian to show me where the color printer is so I can print out homework assignment for my 1200 class today. (assignment - map I used from another class. See pic)

1030 - Favorite study spot on the 4th floor of the library to do reading assignment for today's 1200 class.

1130 - Multiple phone calls to the math department trying to figure out what math class I should take in the fall.  (Fall registration opens on April 10th for me and I want to have everything ready in my shopping cart so all I have to do is transfer over the classes to "enroll" at the appointed hour.  It's all about getting the classes you want folks.  Trust me, no easy task.  And given that I'm not a star athlete or an upper class person, no early enrollment for me)

1200 - Study Skills - good to see friends and learn some new stuff.  I'm always learning new stuff.  This school thing is totally working.

1305 - Talked to a friend who is having a difficult time.  We helped each other.  It was an emotionally supportive oasis in the middle of a rushed/intellectually filled day.  A blessing.

1340 - To the SUB for a hurried lunch.

1400 - To the Academic Career Center to take the Compass Math test.  This was the conclusion of the above mentioned conversations.  My academic adviser was pushing for me to take Math 25 Elementary Algebra because I had already passed Math 15 Pre-Algebra.  Thirty five years ago!  Honestly, do they really think I remember anything from that class?  I tried to tell him in as clear English as I could muster, "besides balancing my check book and calculating drip rates for IVs, I HAVEN'T USED MATH SINCE I TOOK THAT CLASS".  Well, I'm feeling vindicated and somewhat stupid now.  I totally crashed and burned that test.  It took about 5 minutes for them to determine that, sure enough, I know almost nothing about math.  I have it in writing folks, just in case my adviser wants to push one more time for Math 25.

1430 - To The Zone to talk to the IT wizards.  I - ooops - down loaded the wrong version of my 5th annotated bibliography for Eng 102 on black Board (the electronic way of submitting class assignments these days).  But once I realized my mistake I couldn't get the wrong, very incomplete version out, and the new and improved, finished version in.  I never ever hit "submit" so I should be able to get it out of there.  Right?  IT wizards help me please.

1530 - Got a call out of the blue on a lead for a weekend job!  I've been verbally wrestling with the scheduler at work trying to get weekend only shifts.  These 1 am or ever 2 am school nights work quit times are killing me!  I sit like a zombie in class and can't make sense of a thing they are saying.  Well, I'm off to talk to the potential new job boss.  We shall see.


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