Major Change - (get it?)

I just submitted my request to change my major. Wish me luck!

Life Statement

     My name is Susan Fullmer and I am interested in changing my major to Multidisciplinary Studies (MDS).  I had been walking through the SUB the other day, and the MDS electronic posters that I have seen many times since starting school in January, suddenly took on a new hue.  I live my life by intuition and I knew that it meant something for me.  I walked right over to the information desk, pointed to the poster and said, “how do I find these people”.  Needless to say, the information folks were very helpful, and later that day I had a meeting with Rebecca Morgan.  What a pivotal point that was.  All of a sudden my student life seemed very, very exciting and some of my educational career concerns seemed to melt away.  For these and other reasons I am now seeking to change my major from Nursing to MDS.  But let me start at the beginning. 

     On March 17, 1982 I graduated as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) with the hopes of going back to school and getting my Registered Nurses (RN) degree someday.  Well, as you can imagine, that “someday” never came.  Instead I took a path (or perhaps better stated, “many paths”), that lead me to an amazing life of places, people and events that I do not regret for one moment.

     Except to take about a year off when my son was born in 1986, I have worked in nursing for the past 33 years in many capacities.   These include, geriatrics, pediatrics, trauma, transplant, oncology, medical/surgical, cardiology, orthopedics, hospice, and adolescent and adult psychology.  I’ve worked in clinics, and hospitals, and home health.  There were times when I worked the float pool in hospitals and for community agencies which gave me a wide variety of experiences and abilities.   Not to mention, that I am well adapted to change.

     Along the way I grew rather boarded with nursing so when my son was old enough and in school, instead of getting my RN as I had always planned, I went back to school and in 1994 became a licensed massage therapist.  What a wonderful experience that was!  I was in private practice for 13 years and specialized in energy work, and rehabilitation.  I worked with doctor’s orders for motor vehicle accidents and worker’s comp, and billed insurance companies.   I eventually had to close shop due to my own back problems, but it was a dream come true owning my own business and doing something I loved.  I continued working agency nursing during this time so that I could pick up shifts if I needed and to keep my license current.

     I then started working for the Portland VA where I spent 10 years as a nurse for their intensive outpatient psychiatric program.  The last four of those years I was a nurse case manager.  I also taught classes in the mental health clinic on a variety of subjects such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Management and Mindfulness and Depression.  But again, I was ready for a change so the next year and a half, I spent as the Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist and Minority Veterans Program Coordinator.  In these jobs I dealt with a wide variety of things such as Reasonable Accommodations (employees with disabilities), harassment in the workplace, and helping minority Veterans maneuver the VA system.  This experience is what planted the seed for me going back to school and doing something other than nursing.

     I started BSU this past January with the initial goal of getting my RN, but with the understanding (and hope) that I would be exposed to many things that might give me other ideas for a degree.  I’m not interested in being a floor nurse and the RN degree holds nothing for me now, other than a means to an end.  I want to get a masters degree.  I wish I knew what I want to be when I grow up.  But although I don’t know the exact job I want, I do know elements of what I want.  I want a leadership role.  I want to make changes that only those at the top can make.  I am very good at strategizing and seeing what is not working in a system.  I like the idea of changing policy or the law so that it makes sense and helps the people that it effects.  I would love to do this in the healthcare world, but I am not wedded to this idea.  I have many skills and talents that I could take anywhere.  I want to be helpful and I feel that I need an education to really do these things.  I have had many jobs that has far exceeded what an LPN is “supposed to be able to do”.  But it was always a struggle because I didn’t have a degree, and I understand that a degree is needed.  I support that, it’s not just the piece of paper I want.  I want the education that goes with it, there is so much I have to learn and I’m ready to do it. 

     An RN degree will take me four years, even though I am almost a junior with the credits I have.  Plus, I would have to take so many classes that I already know, or that I have no interest in.  Apparently, the MDS program would shorten my school time considerably.  I am also thrilled with the idea of choosing my own curriculum.  I want to minor in Leadership.  I don’t know if it’s possible, but I’m also toying with the idea of doing a second minor in Spanish.  I was fluid in Spanish several decades ago when I lived in Venezuela for a couple of years.  I have forgotten a lot and I have wanted to take classes in Spanish to refresh and learn.  I know that it would be extremely helpful in the work world.  Plus, I have a passion for diversity.  I am also interested in writing.  I do not want to take any online classes if possible. 

     Money is really the only obstacle.  I’m working part time which allows me to go to school part time.  My dream is to get scholarships so I can just focus on school and go full time.  But either way, it won’t stop me for graduating.  Even if it takes longer, it will get done.  I have supportive friends and family.  Plus, I have an unstoppable determination when I have set my mind to something.  And I have set my mind to school!  I hope that I will be able to change my major to MDS as it seems a very good fit for me.


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