Angels along the way

     If you've been reading the last couple of posts, you know I'm having a tough week.  I seriously was ready to walk away from the whole student thing.  Not a well thought out plan - but I was done!

     That was my Thursday morning.  I was in, "I used to be a student" mode for about three hours.  What happened next really woke me up and changed everything.  I had emailed my Leadership 325 professor about something, and inadvertently mentioned that I was having a hard week (in part to apologize for a paper I had turned in late....did I mention I was having a bad week?).  He emailed me back right away.  I'm going to share part of what he said.

Thank you for your email.  Hang in there.  You're a good student with great things to say.  It won't always be easy -- and it might even be more difficult at times -- but it's worth it.  You belong here...and you've got lots of amazing things left to do.   

     What power our words have.  These particular words turned me on a dime.  Especially the, "you belong here".  I guess I'm still struggling with that.  And then the, "you've got lots of amazing things left to do".  I don't know if you are in your 50s or beyond, but the message I hear from society is, you are past your prime.  Your just treading water now.  Step back and let the youth take charge before you muck it up.  Honestly, where is there a place for me in a society like that?  I'm just going to keep getting older, you know?  Do I have anything left to do?  Do I have anything left to say?  I don't know.  But apparently my professor thinks I do.  As I feel like I'm going under for the third time this week, I wrap my arms around these buoyant words.  Thank you professor S.  I think I'll keep my student status.  Cuz I've got amazing things left to do!



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