Disgruntled, Parking Citation Owner
I have a new job on campus. After a year and a half of getting shitty shifts - when I told them it wouldn't work with my school schedule... once again - and deciding I really want to dip my toe in the big wide scary world outside of nursing - and spotting a job in a department that looks like something I might want to do post graduation (Public Safety) - I ventured out.
I'm cross training two very different jobs. One in HR and the other in the Transportation and Parking office. I'm enjoying it, though it's sort of like picking up two new classes mid semester. It may not be the global job for peace I envision for myself some day, to help change the world for the better but I do help change the world for disgruntled parking citation owners. And that feels good.
What also feels good is a little something I have been missing for nearly three years - a work community. Having had it all my life, I didn't really know how great it was. And frankly, in the nursing world, who has time to talk? I have landed in coworker heaven! They are all so kind and easy to work with. What more could I ask for? Well, maybe a higher salary. This master work plan of mine is brilliant except for the small fact that a part-time non benefited entry student salary matches about what I made when I was sixteen. Beans and rice anyone?
But this is a time in my life of cheap adventure and boy howdy am I on my way. It was my 56th birthday yesterday. I'm feeling pretty good about that. Every year gets better and I don't know what 56 is supposed to feel like because I never got the memo, but it's feeling pretty fuckin good. Maybe I should send the memo, "Hey, 56 is grand. Can't wait till you get here!".
But my point is this, I'm in a sometimes thankless job (think, disgruntled parking citation owner), making next to nothing, but I'm feeling appreciated and celebrated in this little position of mine. Note above pic for evidence of said appreciation and celebration (including homemade cake! - who does that?). Thanks guys. Thanks for it all.
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