My Fundamental Transformation Concerning the Inner Self

First day of school January 2015 Susan Fullmer ENGL 201 Sktech #4, The College Experience 3/16/2017 My Fundamental Transformation Concerning the Inner Self Being 56 years old, and having returned to college after 33 years, I have been most interested in the subject of the older, non-traditional student. When I first started back two years ago, I even started a blog to try and make sense of this most unusual event in my life. Though I have seen older students on campus from time to time, I have rarely spoken to any of them. Is my experience unique, or are we all going through a similar experience? What I found surprising and discouraging, when initially looking for research on this subject, is that I didn’t find very much information. The search words, “non-traditional student” brings up subjects such as, husband’s thoughts on supporting wives in school, students with disabilities, the needs of w...