Sweater vest anyone?

After a break yesterday for the Fourth of July, we are back at it for the third and last day of band/choir camp.  How do these kids do it?  They are in rehearsals ALL day and they give it their best to the very end.  Some of these kids have just graduated from junior high barely a month ago.  I am so tremendously impressed with them and I look forward to getting to know them more individually.  I understand this happens quite a bit more on the busses once we get to Europe.  Our travel is all by bus once we get there.

While the highly capable music staff run the students through their paces, we logistic staff are busy doing an endless list of tasks.  I am good at strategic planning, organizing, and logistics.  I have put together many an event from large to small, but I have never been involved with anything of this  magnitude.  I stand in awe.  There are a huge amount of moving pieces to this endeavor of taking so many people on a six country international concert tour. And then you throw in the human element of conflict, illness, fatigue, and it all gets more complicated.  But I am in my element, and I am with the very best.  So I am both learning a lot, and having a whole lot of fun.  By the end of the day I am exhausted to the bone.  And we haven’t even got on the plane yet!

This morning’s job - I am on uniform detail.  Kids, staff, and traveling adults who have bought the wrong size can now exchange.  Or if they want something more, we have some to sell.  I am that gal! And I am on it!  Care for a tie?  How about a sweater vest?  As my brother put it when talking to the kids, by it’s self the sweater vest look it’s not all that attractive.  But in a group, it looks professional and fantastic.


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