Solstice Graduation

I graduate tomorrow on December 21, 2019.  Returning to college after 33 years.  Going to school for five years while working full time.  And now this.  I knew it was coming.  All plans for the past half decade were designed for this moment.  But now - it just doesn't seem real.  I have been inexplicably weepy.  My intuitive friend Maria clued me in yesterday that I am ending an era of my life and so of course I am emotional!

Normally fall graduations at Boise State land during the first or second week of December.  For some mysterious reason that no one on campus seems to know, this year it is happening on the 3rd Saturday.  But I know why.  It is extremely meaningful to me that I am graduating on Solstice.

Going into the longest night tomorrow issues in a seasonal era of it's own.  I am bone weary and unsure of what to do next in my life.  To consciously enter into the energy of winter at this pivotal time is essential for me.  The season of our wiseness ancestors and of my beloved companion the Bear.  I go into the time of quiet and introspection feeling beat-up and content with my accomplishments.  I shift with intention to go in.  To courageously and vulnerably embrace the me that is emerging now.  I am tentative and ready all at once. 


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