The answer is no


Two days after the ceremony for my father, I am told by my Spirit Helpers that my sister, the heir to the throne, has been murdered by the Annunaki people. They are tired of the tyrannical rule of our father, and which she demonstrated she had every intention of continuing. I guess they had had enough. I was also told that they now wanted me to rule them. Well, that one blew my mind. How would that work exactly? A human ruler? And I would live the life span of a gnat compared to them. I let all of that go in my mind and focused on the idea of it all. Pretending that it would be possible, would I want to do it? Being the healer that I am I automatically wondered if I could be of help to these people - my people I suppose. But is this what I was meant to do? My purpose? I intuitively followed this line of inquiry and my Guides showed me that while the Annunaki people didn’t want the tyrannical rulership they have always known, nor did they want the peaceful leadership I would offer. They weren’t ready for that much change. That was a deal breaker for me and voided any need for further discussion on the topic. It was an easy “No!” for me. But apparently they either didn’t get the memo or didn’t care.

I had packed up my camping gear and was sitting in my vehicle eating lunch and soaking up the spectacular view one last time of the lake, mountain and all the surrounding nature - Breathtaking. I glanced over my shoulder to the back seat and froze. I had a wannabe passenger. At first glance it looked like a bad Halloween costume. A demon with a little kid suit on, but the suit was transparent and the whole visual made me shudder. Bad attempt at hiding, dude. And it shouts disrespectful and dishonesty. I don’t speak to those kinds of beings. Nor do I give them a ride. I turned to my Guides/Spirit Helpers for advice. They informed me that this was a “henchmen” from the Annunaki to force me to lead them. I really don’t get the impression that anyone thought this through but rather they are used to getting their way by force and any other means needed. I was having none of it.

Unfortunately, something happened that has never happened before. My Helpers couldn’t get rid of him. I was shocked and at a loss. I asked them what I should do and they said to ask Creator. Long story short, Creator was able to clear my vehicle and I was able to go on my way passenger-free. In order for this to happen, I did have to formally declare that I would not lead the Annunaki. I have no idea where they will go from here. I only know that it will not include me. 


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