How To - Get a "yes" or "no" answer from your body

This technique is used when the answer to your question is going to be a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I use this on a near daily basis with anything from, "What do I want to order on the menu?" to "Do I want to take this job?" Let me break this down a little bit. 

Our body is wise. It is in cahoots with our soul. They know who we are and why we are here. And best of all, they know how we can get there! Choices. Do we go left or do we go right? The answer to that question is always going to depend on who we ask and what their agenda is. Everyone has an agenda, even if they are not clear about it. (hint: just because people are operating from their own unclear agenda, our intuitive abilities can see clearly the What and the Why and then we can act accordingly - just because other people are muddled, that doesn't mean that we need to be)

The real question is, what do we want to know and whose agenda do we want to use? To explain this technique, I will use me as an example. My clear and consistent agenda is, I want to make my decisions (all decisions) based on what is best for me, my soul's purpose, and my body. (hint: they are all the same) One may think that something like choosing food at a restaurant may not be as weighty as Soul Business, but I disagree. Everything I do is Soul Business. You may also think that if I tune into what my body/soul wants at a restaurant or at the grocery store, that I will always be told to get super healthy food. Sometimes that is true, but not always. When I started to do this I was shocked that sometimes my body wanted a specific treat. Granted, most of the treats I was told to get were on the healthier side but not always. I came to realize that I was thrilled with these decisions. It was truly what I wanted. I felt joy. I'm using a food example here because for me, this was always a minefield. With my abuse history, food and weight were my escape from the emotional pain. Listening to my body was something that I didn't really start doing until I was in my 50s. This technique has helped me know what my body truly wants and how to feel joy about my decisions. But this is only one example, this technique can be used for any decision making process. 

HOW TO: Get quiet and pay attention to how your body feels and how it reacts when you say certain statements out loud. Have a short list of statements to which you know the answer is a definite "yes" or "no." For example, "I like the color indigo blue." Now practice. It's that simple. Once you think you know how your body is reacting to the statements try the same thing in question form. For example, "Do I like the color indigo blue? The more you do this, the stronger you will feel and recognize your body's answer/response. I have found that whatever that response is, it will stay consistent. I have done this for many years and mine has never changed. 

I have found when teaching this technique over the years, that everyone's response is different. You may feel different sensations in different parts of your body. Figure out what your unique signal is. For example, for me, I feel a rising in my torso for a "yes" and a sinking in my torso for a "no." I once met someone that had the exact opposite than me -  a sinking feeling in their gut for a "yes" and a rising feeling for a "no."  

Hint about your practice statements: Be careful that you are using a clear "yes" or "no" statement. For example, I could say, "I like ice cream." The truth is, I love the taste of ice cream, but I am allergic to dairy and it makes me sick. You can see how that statement might cause some confusion in the answer. Stick with statements that are simple and true on all levels. 


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