How To - Ask for Help

Why is it so frickin hard to ask for help? Why does it seem that the more I actually need help, the harder it is to ask? After years of therapy, healing, and introspection, I could tell you my list of Whys. I won't bore you with the list as I'm sure those of you who resonate with this challenge have similar lists of your own. Let's assume for this post, that we are all working on healing those old emotional wounds that have held us back from healthy living, yet asking for help is still difficult.   

First of all, recognition that we need assistance can be a hard part of the process. Once we allow ourselves to know we need it, the next step is to simply ask. If it's hard to ask (for any reason), do it anyway. If you don't feel like you deserve it (for any reason), do it anyway. 

Who do we ask? Sometimes throwing spaghetti on the wall can be the best approach. Toss out a call for help and see what sticks. Help can come from surprising corners. If we predetermine where it has to come from, we limit our abundant universe and what it can provide for us. 

I find the more distressed I am, the less where-with-all I have to figure out the details of what I actually need and who could possibly help me. This is brain function in trauma 101. When we go into Fight -Flight-Freeze-Fawn Response our creative, problem solving brain takes a back seat. We can't write poetry while running from the saber tooth tiger. It's always best to have a plan before the crisis hits.

Are we limiting our requests for help from humans only? There is a vast universe of lovely beings out there who know us and love us. They are highly evolved and fully capable. If you are unfamiliar with them, learn who they are. These high vibrational beings are extremely respectful. They will always wait for our permission before helping us. All we have to do is ask. 


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