When is an addiction your helpful teacher? Flipping the script.

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I was working with a client yesterday.  His desire to have an energy healing with me was to address his addiction to vaping.  He told me that he had wanted to stop for a long time and had, in fact, tried to do so many times but without success.  Now he was ready to get serious and he was asking me for help.

When I worked as a psychiatric nurse, I had the honor of knowing and helping patients with additions of all kinds.  I say "honor" because as it turned out, they became important teachers in my life.  When one has the privilege of stepping inside a privet life as I did as a nurse (now retired) and as I do as an energy healer, I consider it sacred ground.  There is nothing more vulnerable nor beautiful than when someone trusts you enough to allow you into their private struggles.  These experiences throughout the years have allowed me to help others, yes. But perhaps more importantly in regards to my own health and spiritual evolution, they gave me the opportunity to view the inner workings of an addition.  (Does anyone see what's coming next in this little story of mine?)  Yep, it all led me to see the addictive behaviors in my own life.  I never did hard drugs nor was I ever much interested in smoking or drinking, so it was quite easy for me to cling to the illusion that "I am not an addict!"  And yes, in time past, I had been quite righteous and condescending in my proclamation. 

The thing about addiction of any kind is that it is not sustainable.

in my opinion, all addictions are designed to do one thing - to numb out the uncomfortable emotions associated with past traumas.  That's it.  I see this from mild avoidance behaviors to full-out, hardcore addictions.  It is also my opinion that true healing only happens when we allow those emotions to flow and be felt.  Not only that, but our higher self/soul, our Guides and Spirit Helpers, and The Divine all conspire to help us to heal.  They do this because they love us and because before we were born we asked them to help us move through the inevitable difficulties of an earth life.  I believe all of the goodness in the Universe supports us to feel our emotions.  All of them.  And so, addictions are not sustainable because healing requires us to feel the very emotions that the addiction is numbing out.  That is why a larger and larger "dose" is required to keep those feelings at bay.

What if we shifted our perspective on the addiction story?  What if, instead of seeing it as a great evil that must be eradicated, we see it as an important journey.

1. What am I learning here?
2. Why would I have signed up for this particular earth-life class?
3. What is left undone/unknown in this learning before I can graduate from this class?

The healing yesterday was powerful and deep and included such things as his heart chakra (loving oneself) and his throat chakra (speaking one's truth).  At the end of it all, there was a message that I delivered.  It was the the drug Nicotine.  It said to the client, "I came into your life when you asked me to come because you needed me then for specific reasons, which I fulfilled.  Do not hate me.  Rather, think of me with love, as we have been in partnership all of these years.  You have outgrown me as a teacher and I am ready to move on.  Please think back on me with kindness."

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Susan Fullmer is a conscious channel, shamanic practitioner, energy healer, energy reader (psychic), teacher, mentor, group facilitator, nurse, and licensed massage therapist.  She has been in private practice since 1990 with her business, Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer.  She draws from decades of study and practice in the healing arts including 35 years of nursing (both medical and mental health) and massage therapy (with extensive study in energy medicine). 

Susan has a plethora of experience in group facilitation, public speaking, mentorship, and teaching classes and workshops.  In 2019 she graduated from Boise State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Multidisciplinary Studies with certificates in Leadership and Human Relations, and Dispute Resolution. 


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