
Showing posts from June, 2024

Ask the Universe ANYTHING: Why do people feel so disconnected from Mother Earth?

    Availabl e on Substack a nd it's free! Ask the Universe ANYTHING Channeled Question:    During my meditation today, Mother Earth asked me to channel her question, "Why do people feel so disconnected from me?" Channeled Source:    Mother Earth   Susan’s Note:    She is a sentient being with whom you can converse. Answer:     I do not wonder about this for myself as I know the answer.  I asked Susan to channel this because it is an important question for humanity to consider.  As a soul being, you chose to come to earth to incarnate as a human - a being in third dimensional physical form.  This you did for various reasons which I will not go into here.  Though if you do not understand this about yourself, I recommend exploring those truths.  At this time, I would like to address the reason you took physical form on planet earth.  Many believe it's to have an experience and to learn.  This is true.  What you may not realize is that I am going through a similar experi

Ask the Universe ANYTHING: Have you ever wondered if you are from Arcturus?

Channeled Question:     Have you ever wondered if you are from Arcturus? Channel Source:     Arcturians Susan's Note:  The group of Arcturians that I usually work with wanted to present this question today.  When I asked how they would like to be introduced, this is what they said, "We like to talk with humanity as that is why we are here at this time.  We are here to help." Answer:    There are ways to find this out.  We will tell you.  Susan does not know this, by the way.  She is learning this as she types.  We smile to see how eager she is to learn this information.  This information is also for a certain few of you and we will help to direct your path to this information.  It is time you know these things about yourself.  It is past time.      Read on in Substack!  Susan Fullmer is a Conscious Channel.  She works with a wide variety of individuals and groups of higher dimensions.  Do you have a question for the Universe?  Paid subscribers can submit questi ons.  Pai

The Quilt of Death: A Mess in the Middle

  Availabl e on Substack.  A nd it's free! Writing about my San Francisco days brings me to tears.  It was such an intense time of fear with HIV/AIDS and the struggle for equality for the gay community - as they were called back in the late 80s.  The more detailed identification of LGBTQ+ would come later.  And I was a mess in the middle of it all.  At the time I was still very Mormon.  This meant that there was no wiggle room to their staunch belief that "gay" is a choice and a sin.  Unknown to me on my wedding day, I married a gay man.  It would launch me into a life changing experience of extreme pain that would last for decades.  But for this story, I will focus on what it was like as a straight woman having a gay husband in the late 80s while living in the San Francisco Bay Area.   Keep in mind that this was a time of no internet.  And I grew up in a community that fervently discouraged any reading or research outside of the sanctioned literature of the church.  As a

#5. What is the UPSIDE of being an Empath? (WRITTEN classet series - Tool Kit for Sensitives and Empaths)

  Are you tired of being an emotional sponge, taking on the feelings and pain of others? Learn how to identify these emotions, know who they belong to, how to release them, and how to protect yourself.   Join this free, monthly post happening on the first Friday of every month at 10:00 am on Substack. Follow the prompts and take a deeper dive into who you are and how your intuitive ability can be a superpower. Classet #5 If you are anything like me, you have had a rough go of it. The downside of being sensitive to energies can be brutal. But there is hope! Read on for the UPSIDE! Free Subscription on Substack The App: You can also catch all of m y posts on the Substack app. Substack App Book a Phone Session with Susan Susan Fullmer is a conscious channel, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, energy healer, energy reader, teacher, mentor, group facilitator, nurse, and licensed massage therapist. She has been in private practice since 1990 with her business,  Intuitive Explorations wit