#10. Why did we REALLY call this energy to us in the first place? (WRITTEN classet series - Tool Kit for Sensitives and Empaths)
Are you or someone you know a Sensitive or Empath? Join this free monthly post on Substack, happening on the first Friday at 10:00 am. Follow the prompts and take a deeper dive into who you are and how your intuitive ability can be a Superpower!
This is the last classet in this series - Tool Kit for Sensitives and Empaths. In review, here are the past classets.
#1. What does it mean to be a Sensitive or Empath?
#4. What is the downside of being an Empath?
#5. What is the upside of being an Empath?
#6. How to get a "Yes" or "No" answer from your body
#7. What do you do if your body tells you, "Yes, this emotion belongs to you."
#8. What do you do if your body tells you, "No, this emotion does NOT belong to you."
#9. How to Release Energies/Emotions/Pain that do not belong to you
Today we will learn the last step; it is the key to this whole process. How to figure out how and why we created this experience in the first place.
This last one is the most difficult step, at least it is for me. First, let me say that in very basic terms, what goes out comes back. Energetically, we are sending out our unique vibes 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We do it while we are awake and while we are asleep. We do it if we are conscious about what we are doing (this would be the goal). And do it, even if we are totally oblivious of what is going on. How do we do it? By our words, actions, and even our thoughts - all of which have an energy signature which waves out from us in a never ending stream. After it goes out energetically, it returns to us in various forms, but all with similar vibrations. If I want to know what’s going on with me, I simply look around my life. I like to pretend that everyone and everything is holding up a tiny mirror for me to look at. And I mean Everyone and Everything: People, places, events, jobs, organizations, and etc. It is often not pleasant to realize this fact. For example, if you are surrounded by assholes… You get the picture. As my friend Linda says, “I didn’t plan on it to being about me.”
And yet, this is one of the most empowering realizations we can have. If it’s all about me, then I can change it. Because in reality, I’m the only thing I can change. When I change my energy/thoughts/actions/etc. for the better, I have changed my life for the better. And the world too, for that matter. Our energy shifts everything around us. If you are not sending out the “asshole vibes” anymore, they will disappear from your life. Try it.
So, let’s talk about the memo I have mentioned in past classets. I said that the energy/emotion/pain that we can feel from others is like a memo. Get the information and task list from it because this can be important (see past classets in this series for more information on this). Once that is done, then we turn to ourselves. Why did I call this energy to me in the first place? Yes, it may have belonged to others as well. But again, I wouldn’t have called it to me if it wasn’t also something I was feeling/dealing with/coming from similar emotional wounding/etc.
What comes after all of this clarity? Ah, that is when we are clear enough to make healthier decisions for ourselves. As you orchestrate more and more clarity, consider instigating a healing path of some kind. What are your emotional wounds and old unhealthy patterning? How do you fix it? What calls to you? If you’ve already started a healing process but it’s not working, let’s say it’s time for something new. In a prayer (using any format that feels right to you), send it out to the Universe. “I need healing.” “Please help.” And then pay attention, as the answer will come.
If you are interested in a phone session for a psychic reading, remote
energy healing, or mentorship for goal achievement & Soul Purpose
work, you can schedule via 208-260-0033 or
Susan Fullmer is a writer, conscious channel, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, energy healer, energy reader, teacher, mentor, group facilitator, nurse, and licensed massage therapist. She has been in private practice since 1990 with her business, Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer.
She draws from decades of study and practice in the healing arts including 35 years of nursing (both medical and mental health) and massage therapy (with extensive study in energy medicine). Susan has a plethora of experience in group facilitation, public speaking, mentorship, and teaching classes and workshops. In 2019 she graduated from Boise State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Multidisciplinary Studies with certificates in Leadership and Human Relations, and Dispute Resolution.
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