Ask the Universe ANYTHING: Channeled Message - From a tree outside of Susan’s window

Susan Fullmer is a Conscious Channel. She works with a wide variety of individuals and groups of higher dimensions. Do you have a question for the Universe? Paid subscribers can submit questions. Available on Substack and it's free! Ask the Universe ANYTHING Channeled Question: What should I do about the changing tide of energy and forces that surround our planet? Channel Source: A tree outside of Susan’s window. Susan’s Note: All trees are connected energetically. They talk to each other and they are wise. And they talk to humans if we approach them with reverence and curiosity. Answer: I asked to speak to Susan today because we have something to say. I will be the spokesperson for the trees at this time. We are ecstatic regarding the energy shifting and cleansing that is happening on our planet, our dear Mother Earth. This may sound insensitive to you as some of you are in much pain and hardship. While we do not wish a single person or any other living creatur...