Temple of Bloom Repost

In honor of my first day of math class today (the last one being about 40 years ago!), I'm reposting this ominous ditty.  

Note:  Picture circa date before paint job.

Temple of Bloom

Well, there it is.  The Temple of Doom.  Some call it the Mathematics building, but I know better.  Aside from having dyslexia, this is the biggest reason I have not previously returned to college.  Math was the center of all my hellish memories of school.  If those squirly numbers would just sit still and give a girl a fighting chance.  But I am a firm believer that we create our own reality.  Think of the book, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne (but with more depth and complexity).  And also the book, "Super Brain" by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi.  From this moment on, all of this "math equals trauma" shit is a thing of the past.  I mean it.  From now on, every time I pass this building, I smile and send out the thought that I can't wait until next term when I get to take my first math class.  I thank Math for all the wonderful things it does and how it helps me in my life.  I'm not aware of those things just yet, but that knowledge is forth coming.  I shower this building and all who work here and learn here with light and love.  Here is where I blossom and become the math wiz that I was always meant to be.  Tonight when no one is looking, just under the word "Mathematics", I'm going to spray paint the words, "Temple of Bloom".   


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