What's a Digit?

I'm sitting here struggling with my first math assignment from my first math class today.  Mind you, it's on whole numbers.  I decided if I'm going to blog, I'm going to be transparent and tell it like it is.  The sentence, "Mind you, it's on whole numbers." is one of the more degrading things I have put out there for public consumption.  But I'm going to go ahead and scrape the bottom of the barrel of humiliations.  No use holding back.  Secrets are the cancer of the soul.  Even pitiful ones like, "I don't know whole numbers".

Besides, I have bigger fish to fry then fretting about my worries about looking stupid.  And if I can get this embarrassment out of the way, then I can deal with them.  Like for instance how, at this moment, my heart is racing, my peripheral vision is non existent, and I feel a panic cresting over my head like a wave.  I thought I could handle this math thing, but I'm not so sure now.  I am having an actual physical reaction from these numbers of old.  Quick recap - I have dyslexia and major past trauma from grade/middle/high school math.

I'm just going to have to take one small step at a time and remember to keep breathing.  Very first question of the assignment is, "Give the digits in the hundred thousands place and the ten thousands place".  What's a digit?  I'm a nurse.  I'm thinking fingers and toes.  We only have ten of each.  So, I do the thing I have been doing to get me though the last two semesters, the thing that was not afforded to me way back in the day.  I Google.  Why didn't they just say so in the first place.  Who knew math had a whole other language.  It's going to be a long semester...

Though I do feel somewhat vindicated.  See #2.

  1. 1.
    any of the numerals from 0 to 9, especially when forming part of a number.
    "the door code has ten digits"
  2. 2.
    a finger (including the thumb) or toe.
    "we wanted to warm our frozen digits"


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