No orientation for you!

     Because I literally enrolled the week before spring semester last January, I missed new student orientation.  Instead, I've had to hunt and peck, scratch and bleed, for every scrap of information I have needed to be a successful student.  (OK, a bit dramatic, but it's my blog - I can go there)  But honestly, I feel there is so much in orientation that would have been and still could be very helpful to me.  I figure my knowledge is Swiss cheesy.  Meaning, there are holes.

     They don't have orientation for summer semester so my goal was to catch it fall of 2015.  Well, no such luck.  They gave me a big fat NO when I tried to get information on signing up for it.  They sited something about there being a cost that was included in freshman fees.  I call foul!  Don't I pay the same thousands of dollars that everyone else pays?  Why should I be penalized just because I'm not a freshman?  Don't I, as a new BSU student, need the same information that freshman do?  I'm back to scratching and bleeding.


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