
     I almost crashed into a pole today.  Honestly, how long has it been since I rode a bike?  Not a motorcycle which I rode two days ago.  I'm talking about a bicycle which I last rode....well it's been years.  I recently discovered Boise Greenbike.  You pay an annual fee - $46 for students - and you get to ride their bikes free for one hour a day.  Or you can ride more for a minimal hourly rate.  There are bike hubs all over town.  This is so perfect for me!  I've been wanting to start exercising again, besides the occasional yoga that I do.  Something on the cardio side, but with my job as a floor nurse, (which means I'm on my feet all night), my chronic feet pain has been worse.  Walking across campus is about all I can handle right now.  

     I used to ride a bicycle, but at this point in my life I don't want to buy one or maintain it.  Plus I don't want to ride or haul it to campus and back.  I've been wanting to take advantage of Boise's famed Great Belt that runs through the city and right past campus.  So now with Greenbike I have it all.  They have a few hubs on campus so I just go pick up a bike and go.  I can even reserve one on my phone.  

     Well, today was my first day on a Greenbike.  My plan was about to actually happen.  But as I'm swinging my leg over the bike I realized I had neglected to consider one important point.  Do I even remember how to ride a bike?  Is the old adage, "it comes back like riding a bike" true?  Well, yes...and no.  As I start to peddle I can feel my brain-body connection scramble to bring back long ago memories and abilities.  I was wobbling all over the place and nearly ran into a pole!  I swerved away just in time and vaguely wondered if anyone saw.  Ah, who cares.  I'm way past worrying about looking stupid.  Been there, doing that.  The more I peddled, the less wobbly I got and off to the river I went.  Glorious!

     Each bike has a touch screen to lock and unlock the bike and to keep track of your time, milage, etc.  You input your code number and pass word, and away you go.  It also has a solar panel to keep it all going - the touch screen, not the bike.  Forward propulsion is all up to me.   

     I'm so out of shape that I was only able to go 20 minutes before I had to stop.  No worries.  
Stopping to enjoy this beautiful place is also part of my master plan.  I am so grateful!


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