My Twenty Russian Besties

     Something strange is happening.  You see, I have three ardent blog fans.  (Shout out to my niece and two sisters!  I love you guys!!)  They are the only ones who read this blog, which is just fine with me because I didn't start this crazy thing for anyone but myself.  As I have mentioned before, writing helps me process my thoughts, and make sense of my experiences.  Well, the strangest thing happened the other day, someone on campus told me they liked my blog.  Whaaat?  What blog?  My blog?  How is that possible?  I chalked it up to a fluke, but then it happened again.  

     After being freaked out for about a week, I decided to see if I could tell who was looking at my blog.  Don't laugh, I had never blogged before and didn't really know how this whole thing worked.  I was feeling pretty proud of myself just for figuring out how to post to the blog.  I hadn't looked beyond that.  Well, turns out, there is this whole section called "Stats".  Holy Shit!  Somebody is looking at this blog!  Now, I figure a lot of these numbers are folks clicking through the "next blog" button in the middle of the night during an insomniac session while on the computer.  But hey, somebody saw it.  I even have 20 hits from people in Russia!  How cool is that?  I love living in this time of global community possibilities.  I want to know my new Malaysian friends and who knows, maybe next year I'll go visit my bud in Kenya.  I can't wait!

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