Fun is a tricky word, use it carefully
This time last year I was pretty depressed. OK, scary depressed. Not to the point of having an exit plan, but more to the point of hovering between functioning and non. I was talking to a friend about this one day and she asked me, "So what do you do for fun?" I didn't know. I'm serious, I had no idea how to answer her. And after a few days when I still couldn't answer this question, I knew I was in trouble. Being the good psych nurse that I am, I had a keen understanding that if one is to have a decent mental health status, then one really ought to be able to answer this question. Still, nothing.
I figured this was a key to understanding my current serious depressive state. Fun is multi layered and could mean many things. For example, anything from party girl, to meaningful moment with a loved one. But I believe that at the heart of the kaleidoscope of funful ideas, is the more mature cousin, joy. After many professional and personal interactions with depressed people, I would say that depression and joy don't seem to coincide much. So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? The abundance of depression or the absence of joy? I don't know. I suspect that it's complicated, involving situational episodes and individual brain chemistry.
But more importantly, I felt that my prayers had been answered and I had the trail head step of figuring out what to do next to pull me out of this very dark, and fearful place. "What could I do that would be fun?" I took it to meditation. I sat with it daily for several weeks before I got my first inkling. At first, it was just a slight flutter of energy, something off stage in the wings. I couldn't quite see it or hear it, but I knew it was there. "What could I do that would be fun?"
Once upon a time, I did fun things. A recent school project brought this back to mind. Among other things, we had to present a "Welcome" page to our digital project (ePortfolio on Digitation) which included pictures and descriptions of who we are. It shocked me to revisit those things that I so recently enjoyed. We aren't talking ancient history here folks. More like a couple of years ago at best. How could I have forgotten? How had I let those important parts of me go? Or was it a good thing to let them go? I'm a firm believer in the Time and Seasons of our lives. I watch for the natural ebb and flow in life and in relationships. I no longer fry to force that tide, but rather, go with it. For reasons I won't explain here, I had been in a Season of Quiet for which I do not regret. But my depression was telling me it was time to shift and I had missed the boat.
"What could I do that would be fun?" Over the next several days the answer finally emerged into a fully formed thought. "Learning something would be fun." I had it! The answer! My mind went wild. I could sign up for a local cooking class, or maybe go really crazy and take a community class in something like gardening or Qigong! Oh, the possibilities were endless. Little did I know at the time, this line of thinking would soon have me sitting in a Boise State University classroom with a bunch of kids younger than my son.
As to which past fun activities I will bring back into my life, I do not know. Being a student now, time is an issue of course. But I do know that I will always make sure that something that brings me joy is included in my life. In the mean time know this, "fun" is a tricky world, use it carefully. You never know where it will take you.
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