
Showing posts from March, 2016

Thoughts on a Poetry Slam

     I went to my first poetry slam last night.  What have I been waiting for?  It was truly awesome.  There were a handful of poems that so moved me that I think every human should hear them.  How can we make that happen?      I went to my first poetry slam last night and they made me a judge .  What is wrong with this picture?  Other than the fact that I may have permanently scared a few young people for life with a low score, I think I was a good judge.  I tried to be consistent and go with what moved me and the audience.  Having no experience with poetry what so ever, what else could I do?  But it was all good fun, and I am actively praying for the souls I have destroyed.      I went to my first poetry slam last night and here are a few tips I would like to share, that will be helpful to you if you ever decide to do the same.  There is a learning curve and I am going to help you throu...

Why now?

Why, oh why, do I get my best ideas for writing in the middle of the night?  And by "best ideas", I mean any old stray thought that flits through my brain at 0330 when I can't sleep.  On the good side, I have this handy blog and an unsuspecting audience to torture with these "best ideas".  On the down side, school will be shitty today because I'm up writing instead of getting much needed sleep.

Math = Crazy Shit

Nothing more to be said on the subject

Tarot Dick

     Last night on my live radio talk show, I goofed big time.  Did I mention it was a live show?  I was interviewing a guest artist who is making his own tarot deck.  As I was talking my brain said, "tarot deck" but what came out of my mouth...well let's just say I temporarily got confused between an "e" and an "i".  Oh yes, I said it out loud.  Did I mention it was a live show?      Dear Lord, let this be my biggest mistake ever in my radio career.  Let that be, all behind me now.  No more please.  Ever.

This I Believe

Here's a paper from our ethics section.  I guess the take away from all of this, is that I have developed a strong set of ethics over the years without even realizing it.  It felt good to get in down on paper.  It also felt good to look back over many experiences to see how I have come to believe as I do. This I Believe Susan L. Fullmer Boise State University Author Note UF 300 Assignment:   Ethics, 3/19/16 Table of Contents            Abstract 3            This I Believe . 4             References . 5 Abstract My ethical beliefs have not come to me in one dramatic moment, but rather, by a serious of countless moments over a life time.  I have watched and noticed what is important in life.  I have questioned the beliefs I was handed as a child, and I continue to ques...

Lower standards of a student

     I finally, finally cleaned my house today.  I surely hope that I will remember what keeping a clean house is all about, post graduation.

Sweet Reprieve

It snowed today.      Sadly, not this much.  But I like the picture.  Winter is my favorite time of year.  I'm just not feeling ready to let it go yet, so when I looked out the window during class - thrill! 

Relativity Denied

We Distribute forward and Factor backward, Distribute forward, Factor back.  Out, back - out, back with no real applicable end in sight.  Let there at least be meaning in my suffering.  But no, we distribute/factor on, in mindless repitition.

His Girl Friday

Critical Movie Analysis of Leadership Practices For my University Foundations 300 class His Girl Friday      The movie, His Girl Friday, is a screwball comedy made in 1940.   At first I didn’t think this production would be appropriate for our UF 300 assignment, but then I decided to watch it and see if I could find any immerging leadership patterns – even in a screwball comedy.        One of the main characters is Walter Burns (played by Cary Grant).   He is a hard core editor of The Morning Post , who was once married to the other main character, Hildy Johnson (played by Rosalind Russell).   She is a top notch reporter for the same newspaper.   The story begins as Hildy is telling Walter that she is quitting the paper to marry Bruce Baldwin, a rather bland insurance man.   She wants to leave the life of a crazy, fast paced newspaper and have a respectable life as a married lady, away from the c...