
Showing posts from June, 2016

Asking the Divine

A friend of mine asked me a question about healing yesterday.  If you haven’t noticed by now, the subject of healing is a particular passion of mine.  When I heard Caroline Myss say, many years ago, “Why don’t we heal?”  I literally bolted up straight in my chair will all senses humming.  What I didn’t fully understand then, but I have learned to embrace now, is that I am a healer.  You think I would have clued into that fact when the only thing I truly thrill about in life, revolves around this topic.   I did some healing work on this same friend recently.  She reports that she no longer has the chronic pain that had prevented her from doing the things she enjoys in life.  For example, she has started to do yoga again, an activity that she had dearly missed.  This story is not an uncommon one in my life.  It is a typical outcome of the work that I do. I find healing to be a complex, infuriating, awe-inspiring-beyo...

I want to know you

I have just had my five thousandth hit on this blog from people all over the world (If Google Stats are to be trusted).  It's surreal to say the least.  It's like I'm in a one-sided friendship where I'm the only one who is allowed to speak.  That is fucked up.  If truth be told, I want to know you.

The Immigrant Shaman

I've had this same conversation lately with a variety of people, so I have these thoughts rumbling around in my brain that I want to put to paper - the blog kind. When anthropologist and such started to study shamans, it was discovered that they were found in nearly every part of the world.  Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice known to humankind.  It dates back a hundred thousand years, if not more.  An odd thing happened when shamans were studied.  These healers had no way of talking to each other during those thousands of years, yet it was found that they were all doing the same thing.  Or rather, their practice was the same at the heart of what they were doing.  This is called Core Shamanism . Around that core practice, a shaman would take on the trappings of the culture she or he belonged to.  So in each region of the world, researchers found a wide variety of outer practices that reflected local beliefs.  This is called Cultural...

The World's Greatest Lie

"The world's greatest lie is this, that at a certain point of our lives we lose control of what is happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate." Paulo Coelho The Alchemist I've started rereading, The Alchemist", by Paulo Coelho.  I read this book over 25 years ago when I first consciously started my journey into who I am and why I am here and how to let that happen.  This is how it looks now (above), but this is how it looked back in the day (below).  Just seeing the old cover brings back a whoosh of... a mixture of so many emotions.  It isn't easy to wake up.  In fact, it's the hardest thing I have ever done.  But it is also by far the most important thing I have ever done or will ever do.  Everything else pales in comparison, because without it, nothing else matters.  It will be interesting reading this milestone book again, now that I am so very different from the women of long ago.

A Song for The Ghost Children

This is a piece I reworked for English 204 - Creative Non-Fiction Writing.  This one was the hardest of all, and the one I spent the most time rewriting.  It is after all, a grueling and incredibly important story for me to tell.  I dedicate it to all The Ghost Children of the world.                                                                                        A Song for The Ghost Children      I woke very early this morning with the gut-solid knowing that I must write about the singing and the song.   My spiritual practice is eclectic.   I love to join with others in their various forms of spiritual gatherings to pray and sing their songs, which has deep and joyful meaning to me.  I think there is somet...

Which is better: Squarespace vs Word Press?

Let's just say that I am designing my new business website on Squarespace as we speak, and I'm so fucking excited I think I'm going to pee my pants.

How to Talk to the Dead

Good news!  I got confirmation that I will be teaching again at Goddess Fest this year (Boise Idaho).  Saturday July 23rd from 8-9 pm.  This year's topic - How to Talk to the Dead.  Here's the class description and bio.  Hope to see you there. Are you having trouble with unwanted spirits in your home and in your life?  Do you find it difficult to connect with those that have passed on – the ones you want to reach?  Susan will cover aspects in this class such as effective protection from unwanted spirits, healthy relationship development with those that have passed, and helping the dead cross over (psychopomp work). Susan Fullmer is a local practitioner who provides intuitive readings, energy healings, and teachings on a wide variety of metaphysical techniques.  She has over 25 years of experience.  She also hosts a radio talk show called, All Things Woo Woo (see Facebook page by the same name).

Radio Podcast: This is what a Psychic Medium looks like

Radio Talk Show Podcast 6/12/2016:   This is what a psychic medium looks like  Chatting with Aprilynn Noriega and her friend Brittani Raindancing Merchild. Fun, Fun, Fun. Lots of good information for the Intuitive and the Magical. And specific, helpful information for Empaths. They also have a series of classes to help children acknowledge their intuitive abilities.  Life is sweeter when we embrace who we truly are.  Contact information for  Aprilynn Noriega , Psychic Medium.  208-860-5068 intuitivereadingsforlife@gmail .com See more pictures of these lovely ladies on the radio Facebook page.    Podcast 6/12/2016           You can also catch my show live every Sunday from 5-7 pm Idaho, Mountain Time Zone.   You can stream it from any computer with internet ...

Radio Podcast: The Tale of a Mermaid

Radio Talk Show Podcast 6/5/2016:   The Tale of a Mermaid  It's a true Water Love Story!  Charlotte Marie who is a photographer, swim instructor (adult and children), aquatic director, water healer, and mermaid.  Hear her story and her AMAZING water meditations in the podcast. She is based out of Cascade, Idaho, and is willing to travel. She also visits Boise often. You  can contact her at: Ph: (208) 850-9284 Website: Facebook: . See pictures of her amazing underwater photography on the radio Facebook page.    Podcast 6/5/2016           You can also catch my show live every Sunday from 5-7 pm Idaho, Mountain Time Zone.   You can stream it from any computer with internet at

Radio Podcast: Mr. Montana Two-Spirit

Radio Talk Show Podcast 4/24/2016: The inspiring story of Aiden Warrior, current Mr. Montana Two-Spirit, Native American activist and artist, and Transcendence Icon. See Facebook page for more pictures.    Podcast 4/24/2016           You can also catch my show live every Sunday from 5-7 pm Idaho, Mountain Time Zone.   You can stream it from any computer with internet at

Radio Podcast: The Bee Whisperer

Radio Talk Show Podcast 4/17/2016:  The Bee Whisperer  The story of a girl and her bees. See Facebook page for more pictures of Beatrice Ayala.    Podcast 4/17/2016           You can also catch my show live every Sunday from 5-7 pm Idaho, Mountain Time Zone.   You can stream it from any computer with internet at

In-the-flow Ethics

     In my UF 300 class we had an ethics section.  In it, we learned all kinds of aspects and angles of ethics.  I was very curious to see what they would teach us and how I would feel about it.  Having grown up in a strict Christian upbringing, this was my first version of ethics as thought to me in my childhood.  It has grown and changed over the duration of my lifetime to something that currently aliens with my experiences, beliefs and values.  But I wasn't quite sure how my ethics would measure up to University taught ethics.      I remember agreeing with most of the things that were presented to me in that class.  But I was also surprised by some of the responses that I heard from my fellow students.  Black Board is the online version of student-teacher communication at Boise State.  This is the tool that we use to talk to our teachers, for our teachers to talk to us, for us to submit assignments, and to partic...


     I have been pummeled lately with messages of, "You can't get where you want to go because you are stuck - and to be unstuck you must play ".  I use the word pummeled because it feels like I have been getting a pummeling!  WTF!  And don't laugh.  For a variety of reasons, some understood by me and some that are not, I don't know how to play.  Perhaps it's because I had a screwed up, rather confusing childhood where having fun was always laced with something sinister and ever threatening.  It's hard to truly play when one cannot completely let down one's guard.        And maybe it's because I have gotten very old in the last few years.  I never use the word "old" or think of myself as old.  I believe that age is a state of mind.  It is clear to me that zest for life has NOTHING to do with age.  I do what I want and live to the fullest... but no.  That went away somewhere along the line. ...


In UF 300 we learned about our personal responsibility in our global community. As a team we researched a global issue with ethical ramifications. I like that the majority of our presentation focuses on practical solutions that are already being implemented throught the world. We each wrote our own script, and mine starts with the biomimicry section. Enjoy. Global Issues Team Presentation: Anthropocene (Script to go along with above visual presentation) Davor’s Script Slide 1: Anthropocene is relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. 
 Slide 2: Video Threatened species, red listing and an increase in protected areas have been, and currently remain, a key focus for nature conservation. 
Yet as it becomes more evident we are living in the Anthropocene biosphere and the influence we have increases every day we are on this planet. The two k...