The World's Greatest Lie

"The world's greatest lie is this, that at a certain point of our lives we lose control of what is happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate."

Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist

I've started rereading, The Alchemist", by Paulo Coelho.  I read this book over 25 years ago when I first consciously started my journey into who I am and why I am here and how to let that happen.  This is how it looks now (above), but this is how it looked back in the day (below).  Just seeing the old cover brings back a whoosh of... a mixture of so many emotions.  It isn't easy to wake up.  In fact, it's the hardest thing I have ever done.  But it is also by far the most important thing I have ever done or will ever do.  Everything else pales in comparison, because without it, nothing else matters.  It will be interesting reading this milestone book again, now that I am so very different from the women of long ago.


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