How to Talk to the Dead

Good news!  I got confirmation that I will be teaching again at Goddess Fest this year (Boise Idaho).  Saturday July 23rd from 8-9 pm.  This year's topic - How to Talk to the Dead.  Here's the class description and bio.  Hope to see you there.

Are you having trouble with unwanted spirits in your home and in your life?  Do you find it difficult to connect with those that have passed on – the ones you want to reach?  Susan will cover aspects in this class such as effective protection from unwanted spirits, healthy relationship development with those that have passed, and helping the dead cross over (psychopomp work).

Susan Fullmer is a local practitioner who provides intuitive readings, energy healings, and teachings on a wide variety of metaphysical techniques.  She has over 25 years of experience.  She also hosts a radio talk show called, All Things Woo Woo (see Facebook page by the same name).


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