I am taking a new class this summer called, Diversity in the City. It focuses on the depiction of American and global urbanism through one of the most popular forms of media - film and television which portray a variety of urban conditions including diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice. It's pretty ironic that I am taking this class because I rarely go to the movies and I haven't watched TV in years. But so far I really love it. I wrote this post after watching the movies, Citizen Jane (about Jane Jacobs), Pleasantville, and Radiant City. I grew up in the suburbs. And yet, these movies explained so much of the suburb life that I did not know, or at least had never really thought of before. There were certain things that rang true that I had always noticed, but never consciously acknowledged about that life. For example, in the movie, Radian City, the children talked about how they didn't know their neighbo...