Akashic Records

For years I’ve known about the Akashic Records.  But I’ve not been drawn to them until now. I was just listening to the book, “I’m Over all That: And Other Confessions” by Shirley MacLaine where she reminded me that they are there.  And now they are calling to me. I’ve spend time over the last few days exploring them. Such different energy! Truth is universal no matter the source, but it has been my experience that those different sources can feel quite different from each other: Guides, Helpers, ancestors that have done their work, animals, plants, earth, planetary bodies, etc.  And let’s not forget, Mother/Father God. And now the Akashic Records. The interesting thing about the Records is that they don’t feel like a personality. It feels like a library with a voice. I hear the answers when I ask the questions. But it doesn’t feel like a sentient being. I feel there are sentient beings around, perhaps to maintain and/or protect.

So where do I go for answers?  All the above. But it is more nuanced than that.  And I will often turn to my intuition for starters.  When I have a question that I want to explore, I’ll ask myself (and the general universal knowing), “Where do I go for this answer?”  And I will start there.

I also find that sometimes not just one source comes to the party.  It can be a mixed team of truth tellers who help me figure it all out. Like this morning. I was asking about abundance.  I have come so far on this subject, but I’m still not having the money flow I have been creating.  If that happens I know I simply need to pause and go deeper. I peel back the layers as knowledge and healing unfolds.  And I trust in timing. If I am asking for help and ALSO paying attention, it will come to me in the correct time. Waiting for Creator’s time and not my time has been a stickler for me and has taught me patience - DAMN IT ALL!  (ok, maybe I’m still working on the patience part...)

But back to Abundance.  This morning I was asking the Akashic Records about my money flow situation and why I am stuck.  The Records showed me a past life I had in Russia. I’m going to stop right here and say I have always had complicated feelings about Russia.  Sure, I grew up in the Cold War era, but that’s not it. And besides, all that stuff never made sense to me. It seemed like a bunch of insecure, power (outer, not inner) hungry men in a pissing contest.  No, my feelings were personal which I could never understand as I had never been to Russia or even met anyone from Russia. Later in my adult years I realized I had had a couple of past lives there as a female with a very abusive male which explained some of the emotions I felt, but not all.

This morning I learned that I had had a past life there as some kind of Tsar.  I was filthy rich, as rich as it comes. Among other dalliances of the rich, I had women galore.  As many as I wanted and as often as I wanted.  Until one day, I saw a young women who was my Twin Flame.  Of course there was instant attraction on my part that went far beyond my typical lust.  I had to have her. But she did not want me because, well let’s face it, I was not the kind of person anyone with a pure heart would want to be anywhere near.  Not like that would stop me and I ordered her to my side. She killed herself rather than being with me. It devastated me to my core. I had everything anyone could want but it wasn’t enough to give me the thing I desired the most.  In that moment I wanted nothing to do with wealth. No wonder I don’t want money in my life.

This was coupled with my ancestors telling me that part of my stuckness has to do with what I inherited (in my energy and in my DNA) of some fucked up notions about money.  They said I didn’t need the details of the stories but could initiate healing on this matter, which I did. We can do the healing for our ancestors which they cannot do for themselves. We can do it because we are in physical form - a necessity.  The beauty of this kind of healing is that it helps us, them, and any posterity to come. All good.


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