Shinny New IT Wizardry

Shinny new IT wizardry for me.  I’m typing on a portable keyboard connected to my phone.  Why would I be doing such a thing you may ask? Well, let me tell you.  I’m soon to check off a whopper of an item on my Bucket List.

I’m going to Europe this summer for the first time!  Nearly five years ago when I started back to school at age 54 to get my first Bachelor’s degree (which I will get this December!), I did it for a very short list of reasons - three to be exact.  And one of them was travel. I mostly had what I needed in life, but the one thing I never seemed to have enough of was money for travel. Big and small. Near and far. I want to see and experience it all!  

Now, in addition, I also have the knowledge that I love to write.  (Didn’t know that’s what school would bring to me as well, but there you go)  So, I can’t stop myself. I will be writing my way across Europe. I know, it’s been done already. Many times. I even have a paperback copy of A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway to tuck away in my smallish suitcase.  And I forbade myself to even start it until I am on the plane headed for parts unknown (Well, unknown to me at least).

Might I share with you a tidbit of my European Bucket List?

1. Savor a croissant and coffee in Paris.  This will be leisurely consumed at some sort of outdoor cafe.  I’ve seen pictures. I know they exist and I will find one.

I am gluten intolerant.  When I eat gluten, it feels like every cell of my  body is being poisoned - which I believe it is. I’ve heard it said that people with food intolerances don’t experience the same thing in Europe.  Any guesses as to why? I’ll save that for another blog. Can’t wait to taste and savor all sights, sounds, food, and etc. I intend to breath it all in.  And write about it to boot.

2. Check off a few of the standard sightseeing locals.  I much prefer to get off the beaten path and do what the locals do.  But I gotta see Big Ben at least once in my life time, don’t you think?

3. Now, here’s the big one that I’m really looking forward to - Check out the energy of places and the ghosts that reside there.  Everything is so bleepin old in Europe! For example, in general, the older the building the more crowded it is with non corporeal peeps.  Can’t wait to say hello and chat with the nicer ones. (I don’t suffer jerks no matter their incarnated status)

Imagine my phone plugged into this cord (I needed it to take the picture).  No laptop or tablet needed.  This keyboard rolls up into a small bundle for easy transport.  I'm good to go!


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