Sitting Zen at the Bottom of the Cannon

I dreamt that I was ready. There was no hesitation, not even down to my inner core. At peace and excited, all the stuff you want to feel when you begin to create. A pure flow without old emotional wounds and fears rearing their ugly heads shouting the constant, "You can'ts!" and, "You are not enoughs" cacophony that so often accompanies the desire to be who we really are. Or even just to stick a toe into the waters of pure soul purpose. Yes, there was distraction in the dream. People all around me were chaotic and seemed so immersed in things that had nothing to do with me and my creation. But not even that deterred me. I was blissfully focused on the birth of this creation at hand. And it was coming from my hands. I could feel the energy building ready to come forth. But I wasn't facing just right and it hampered the actual doing of it. I started to shift my body so I could get into a better angle, but it still wasn't adequate. And then the dream end...