My moldavite did a runner

My moldavite did a runner. It was there and a few hours later when I looked for it, it was gone. Moldavite does that sometimes. It's a powerful crystal that shifts energy and heals. If any of you have used moldavite, you know what I mean. It's not for the faint of heart. Ha, or maybe it is as it's a good heart chakra healer too.

This crystal is not of this world. Some think it's a meteorite, but it's not. It was created after a meteorite impacted Nordlinger Ries in Germany about 15 million years ago. The silica sand and rock that flew into the atmosphere from the explosion melted and cooled falling back to the ground mostly in the Czech Republic. The result is a dark green, glass-like crystal that will blow your socks off. It was not created in or on the earth. 

When I realized mine had disappeared, I was sad. I love my crystal and rock friends. But they come and go as they please - usually I gift them to other people or take them back to Mother Earth as they tell me when and where they want to go. I just get to hang out with them for a time. But moldavite is notorious for actually disappearing into thin air, sometimes returning later, and sometimes never to return. What I do know is that it left me because our work together is finished, i.e. I've done my healing work with it and now it can go. I'm feeling content and slightly smug about it all. Ok, that's ego, but there you go. 


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