The City in the Center of the Earth

I've been there. More than once. With shamanic journey practice one can go anywhere on the earth and throughout the galaxies. And as it turns out, to the center of the earth as well. Several weeks ago my Guides and Spirit Helpers told me it was time to go on a journey, if I wanted to go. They are always so kind and courteous and respectful to me. They never demand or impose their own agendas, all hallmarks of an exceptionally high vibrational being. It's the only kind of being that I will interact with any more. The irony is that I never say no when they suggest a journey. Yet, I am forever grateful to have the sovereign choice. 

It was one of those journeys in which they do not tell me where we are going ahead of time. This kind of journey has been a lesson in trust over the years and decades. And these beloved helpers have earned my trust. Yet every time I go on one of these "blind" journeys, it's always a bit like leaping off a cliff (where I can't even see the bottom!). Have we ended up in places that surprise me, perplex me, or bring me to my knees weeping in awe? Yes, all of the above and much more. But I have always been safe, and over time (sometimes years), the journey makes sense to me and becomes a part of my rock of wisdom and understanding about who I am and the way things work. So when they say, "It's time for a journey, would you like to go?" I exclaim, "Hell Yes!" And off the cliff we go. 


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