
Showing posts from September, 2024

Ask the Universe ANYTHING: Channeled Question - What is it that the water wants to say?

Available on Substack and it's free! Ask the Universe ANYTHING Channeled Question:  What is it that the water wants to say?   Channeled Source:   Boise River   Susan’s Note:   Water is sentient and wise.  We are allowed to interact with water on this level.  Indeed, it holds the truth of our story, our history, and the knowledge of healing.  Reach out and connect.      Answer:   I (the Boise River) am speaking for water, though any body of water could tell you the same.  Even a drop of water has the intelligence to give you Truth.  Today we wish to say that we have noticed that some of you have taken great care for the waters of the world.  You may think it is insignificant but this is not true.  Every time you bless the water.  Every time you make an effort to clear the waters of the earth.  Every time you love water, it makes a substantial difference.  You may not have the vantage point to see the difference you are making, but earth and her water’s can and do.  Water is now vibr

This is what happened at the zoo today

  From my journal dated January 2022 This morning Spirit told me to go to the zoo.  I hadn't been there in a while so I was excited to see my friends again.  The snow leopards in particular are very precious to me.  They served as an initial, integral connection with the extraterrestrials I have been working with these past couple of years.  I will forever be grateful to the snow leopards for that introduction. READ THIS IN SUBSTACK - Read on with a paid subscription on Substack! If you are interested in a psychic reading or a remote energy healing, you can schedule via 208-260-0033 or Susan Fullmer is a conscious channel, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, energy healer, energy reader, teacher, mentor, group facilitator, nurse, and licensed massage therapist. She has been in private practice since 1990 with her business,  Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer. Sh

Like Water for Caramel Sauce

         Availabl e on Substack.  A nd it's free! Admittedly, this is not a great title as there is no boiling water in the making of caramel sauce. But if you have read the book (or seen the movie) Like Water for Chocolate, you will know where I am going with this analogy. The new barista job continues to be a positive in my life. Though, - Do I froth the best milk in town? I’d say that’s a solid no.  - Do I still get drink recipe ingredients mixed up and need to ask my fellow trusted co-workers for clarification? Nearly on a daily basis. - Am I confident in the overall job and what I am doing? Alas, no. But I will say that I am doing a bit better every day.  And importantly, the  fun  is there.  Because that was the whole point of me getting this job.  I wanted more joy that comes from healthy interaction with humanity.  Writing is a dream come true for me, but it’s a lonely gig.  It’s just me, myself, and I, and a keyboard.  The coffee shop plunges me into life on the other sid

Ask the Universe ANYTHING: Today's channeled message is from Sun

Susan Fullmer is a Conscious Channel.  She works with a wide variety of individuals and groups of higher dimensions.  Do you have a question for the Universe?  Paid subscribers on Substack can submit questions.  Channeled Message :   The Sun Susan’s Note:   The Sun is a sentient being with whom we can converse.  There is great wisdom there.  I highly recommend seeking a relationship with Sun.  In a quiet time and place, reach out in your mind and connect.  Message:   Read on in Substack!     Paid Subscription on Substack Recently channeled questions behind the paywall: 1.  Channeled Message: from the Dragons 2. Channeled Question:  Why don't I like to meditate?  I have tried and tried but it doesn't work.    Channeled Source: Pleiadians 3.  Channeled Question:  Can I talk to trees? If so, how?   Channel Source:  Three pine trees outside of Susan's window.  The App:   You can also catch all of Susan's posts on the Substack app.    Substack App   Susan Fullmer is a writer