Like Water for Caramel Sauce

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Admittedly, this is not a great title as there is no boiling water in the making of caramel sauce. But if you have read the book (or seen the movie) Like Water for Chocolate, you will know where I am going with this analogy.

The new barista job continues to be a positive in my life. Though,

- Do I froth the best milk in town? I’d say that’s a solid no. 

- Do I still get drink recipe ingredients mixed up and need to ask my fellow trusted co-workers for clarification? Nearly on a daily basis.

- Am I confident in the overall job and what I am doing? Alas, no.

But I will say that I am doing a bit better every day.  And importantly, the fun is there.  Because that was the whole point of me getting this job.  I wanted more joy that comes from healthy interaction with humanity.  Writing is a dream come true for me, but it’s a lonely gig.  It’s just me, myself, and I, and a keyboard.  The coffee shop plunges me into life on the other side of my front door.  And so far, it’s been an experiment gone well.  What I didn’t expect was the caramel sauce.

I will admit to you right here and now that I am not a good cook.  I can follow a basic recipe, but that’s about it.  I am confident in many things in life; this skill is not one of them.  So, you can imagine my deer-in-the-headlights moment when my boss asked if I would make their famous in-house caramel sauce.  What could possibly go wrong?  And it’s a good thing that I didn’t find out until later that people-in-the-know consider making caramel sauce a difficult thing to do.  Yikes.  In the meantime, I learned how to make it and it’s part of my daily job description now.  Here’s the thing I now know - being the Caramel Sauce Expert that I am (huge wink here) - the stuff is a bit fussy.  Demanding, really.  Once you start, you can’t stop until the whole thing is done.  You have to watch it like a hawk and for God’s sake, keep stirring!  (side benefit = serious caramel sauce biceps are developing!)

To say I was stressed about the whole business was an understatement.  So many things to remember!  So many things that could go wrong!  The success of the entire coffee shop was resting on my shoulders (and biceps).  If I failed, the coffee world would all come crashing to a disastrous end.  Okay, none of this was actually true, but when Mind and Ego start catastrophizing, all the crazy seems completely feasible.      

And then a terrible realization dawned on me.  Being the energy healer that I am, I knew that I had been putting this horrific energy into my sauce.  (My profound and sincere apologies to the eaters of my earliest batches)  I am very aware that what we saydo, and even think has an energy signature that changes everything around us.  It matters what we put out into the world.  Indeed, it creates the very world in which we exist.  But when it came to cooking, this was all new territory for me.  How to proceed?  

I decided I would do what I do when I heal a human body.  I would treat it with love and ask my Guides for help.  So that’s what I do now.  I begin my morning cooking ritual by pulling out all of the ingredients I will need and then I set my intention.  “Please help me make really good caramel sauce infused with kindness and love.”   I talk to the butter as it melts.  I invite the sugars (white, light brown, and dark brown) to come together with the butter in creamy yumminess, to do its best in the incredible metamorphoses that unfolds before my every eyes.  Next comes the heavy cream that churns and blends and eventually bubbles as the whole concoction rises in the large pot.  And I keep stirring.  But this time with love.  Am I confident yet in this new cooking skill?  No, not really.  But I ask Spirit to make up the difference so that all I am putting in now is love.

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Susan Fullmer is a writer, conscious channel, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, energy healer, energy reader, teacher, mentor, group facilitator, nurse, and licensed massage therapist. She has been in private practice since 1990 with her business, Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer.

She draws from decades of study and practice in the healing arts including 35 years of nursing (both medical and mental health) and massage therapy (with extensive study in energy medicine).  Susan has a plethora of experience in group facilitation, public speaking, mentorship, and teaching classes and workshops.  In 2019 she graduated from Boise State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Multidisciplinary Studies with certificates in Leadership and Human Relations, and Dispute Resolution.


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