Can't get out of the car. Again

Hard to get out of the car today.  I'm here for my first day of summer class.  I've been taking an on line class this past month - more on that later.  But this is my first time back on campus since the end of spring semester.  I just had a flash back as I sit here in my car realizing I am hesitating, not wanting to get out of the car.  Geesh, here we go again.  Just like last January on my first day of class.  I admit it, I feel scared.  Is this feeling ever going to go away?  

I'm perhaps less scared then I was last January as I know the layout of the campus now and a thing or two about being a student - being that I have just successfully completed my first semester after decades of not being a student.  And I'll toot my own horn here and say for the first time in my life I have a 4.0 GPA!  I probably shouldn't mention the fact that I went part time and took study skills and choir.  But they don't just give out passing grades in those classes - I had to work for them.  And English Research Writing was HARD.  So I'll bask in my own glory without shame or regret.  

But now, here we go again.  I was thinking that this school thing is like a microcosm for life - constant change.  Just when I get used to the classes, and the rhythms, and the classmates, and knowing where and when I'm supposed to be, I have to - what? - start all over again?  I want my old friends back, my old teachers back, my old seat back.  I knew what I was doing there.  I don't know what I'm doing now.  I don't know what's expected of me.  I guess if I'm ever going to figure it out I'm going to have to get out of this car. 


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