Spitting Mad and Freaking Out

I am so pissed!  I got the notification this afternoon that I'm enrolled as a student.  OK, that's the good news and yippie for that.  I only started this process on Monday (1/5/15) given the fact that I decided to go to school over the holidays so Monday was really the first day I could start the process of enrollment.  And I had no clue how to do any of that.  It's been countless hours of hunt and peck and many phone calls trying to figure out each step.  But I'm good at that sort of thing and I'm figuring it out.  But I digress.

I've been trying to sign up for classes.  The one class I really want is English 101.  I figure it's the foundation for many other classes.  I've got to know how to write a college paper among other things.  Oh, I stumble through a blog alright I suppose and I get close to being correct on the grammatical front, I think.  (Ha, not sure I quite made it with that sentence - but I'm leaving it in to prove my point that I need this class!)  I'm hopeless at spelling but you'll never know that thanks to Spell Check.  So get this, when I sign up for the class I get a pop up that says I can't sign up for this class because I already took it and also it would make me lose my financial aid (they won't pay for a class I have already taken).  Yes I took this class before.....35 years ago!  Do they really think I remember anything from a class I took 3 and a half decades ago?

English is not the only class I took so long ago that I will need as a foundation to achieve a nursing degree.  I graduated as a licensed practical nurse in 1982 so there are a handful of classes that translate to my pre nursing requirements.  For example, how will I ever pass the nursing boards without a refresher on anatomy and physiology?  But the one on the very top of this list is math.  I can balance a check book and figure out a tip and, well and that's about it.  If I can't retake the basic math classes prerequisite to the mandatory statistics class for my major then I am totally and thoroughly screwed.


1.  Stop freaking out.

2.  Stop thinking fatally.  (as in, my college career is over before it has begun - I haven't even started one class yet!)

3.  Try and get some sleep.  It's now 0530.

4.  Go into admissions and talk to someone today.  Surely I can't be the only older student who has crossed this path.  Though the few people I have talked to so far seem to never have heard about it and can't figure out why I'm not happy that I don't have to take these classes over again.  I'm not in the mood to be a trail blazer.  I just want to go to school.


  1. I love this, you're hilarious! I am so rooting for you! You're Brilliant Lady!


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