Swim in New Air

An email from Sandy

You mentioned you felt better today.  How is it going?  I pulled a new card from the deck you gave me a while ago.  I had the Perfection card on my desk for the whole summer.  It was about reaching in and looking at my deepest fears.  I think I've done that for a good amount of time and was ready for something new to think about.  

From "The Power Deck:
by Lynn V. Andrews
Card #30

Action takes courage.  We often feel like fish out of water, separate and different from the world around us.  Fish out of water can learn to swim in a new air of consciousness with a new purpose in life.  Perhaps it is identification with objects and clinging to addictions that keep you feeling separate and keep you from finding the source of your power; not only dependence on drugs, sex, or alcohol but also addictions like fear of failure, the need for approval, or fear of desertion.   Discover your own power and meaning by having the courage to give up your addictions.  Then live your power with courage.  Fish swimming out of water is a symbol of a transcendent spirit.  Go beyond the boundaries of your ideas and imagination.  Do not be limited by your belief systems.


That's what I'll have on my desk for awhile!  Very interesting and I thought you'd like to read it too.  My addiction is fear and holding onto old belief systems.  Time for us to swim in new air, Susan!


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