Same language, different dance

I love Portland rain.  I’m sitting with tea looking out the window of my friend Shana’s house watching it happen.  I’m visiting Portland Oregon where I lived for 17 years before moving to Boise four years ago. It feels like home in so many ways.  And coupled with re-joining dear friends, it’s a delicious experience.

Marigold tea

Yesterday we went to a tea ceremony with a man named Po.  I’m going to include his website because I want to spread the wealth!  He calls it a tea journey, and so it is. We spent a hour and a half sipping about 5 or 6 teas all with distinct energetic properties from all over the world.  I learned so much, like the tea carries the energy of the land it grows on. We drank teas from sacred places, some that have been undisturbed genetically for thousands of years.  I could feel it. The teas changed our energy and gave us healing in the process. It was so interesting hearing him talk the familiar words of energy healing (the very same ones I use) but applied to tea.  Same language, different dance.

Slowing down and truly being with precious people.


Heavens Tea, School of Sacred Tea Arts


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