The Ceremony

2020_06_27_The Ceremony Saturday morning I wake predawn and sit outside my tent. It is quiet except for a riot of bird talk. I am camped under a large pine tree. It feels like I will have my tasked ceremony at the base of this tree. That is all I know at this point. I am told to go on a journey to learn next steps. It was short and sweet. I was to place a piece of palo santo sap at the base of the tree. I had also packed a new, large, white sage smudge stick which I broke up into pieces and scattered around the sap. This I did after opening sacred space and setting my intention to have a ceremony to honor my Aunnunaki father. It turned out to be easy, powerful, and complete. How could something so seemingly impossible slide into place with the simplicity of a breath? I have much thanks to offer my tree friend for his help with all of this. Before starting I was told to go around to the other side of the tree where I found a sweet little cluster of one to ...