Shamanic Journey_Bottom of the Barrel

I’m leaving today to go camping and I felt drawn to start my day with a journey so I woke early and prepared my sacred space with clearing, grounding, and calling in my protections - standard operating procedure. Do you ever have one of those days where you just want a cheery, give me a nice rosy outlook boost of energy kind of journey? Yea, it wasn’t going to be one of those days.

I climbed on Eagle’s back and off we flew. As we landed and I slid to the ground I noticed that everything seemed dark. Not in a negative sort of way but rather in a, “I can’t see anything” way. I asked for a Spirit Helper and my new Helper Blanket appeared. As this is a new relationship, I asked him to tell me more about himself. I’m using pronouns because “it” doesn’t express the connection I’m starting to feel with this magnificent being. But neither is Blanket a she or a he. I’ll try s/he but I’m stating right here and now - we need new, expanded vocabulary, for so many reasons. But I digress. Blanket told/showed me how s/he is my pure potential. It was a quick interchange as apparently there were more pressing matters on today’s agenda. But I have high hopes that there is more to explore in that particular arena. Pure Potential - Bring it!

I’m still looking around not seeing anything when I’m told to look at my feet. (Honestly, when you’re stuck in a journey and you don’t know what’s going on, look at your feet. It will tell you so much. For example, what lifetime you are dealing with) And there they were, large claw like reptilian feet. Suffice it to say that the emerging realization of this lifetime over the past several years has not been pleasant. I have had great anguish and the need for greater healing over those events - a tale for another day. I had hoped that I had finished scraping the bottom of that particular barrel, but now I know there is at least one more piece left to address. With the death of my Anunnaki father this week, I find there is more work to be done. When I asked Blanket what was left undone regarding that relationship, I was told I needed to forgive him. I was shown how my hatred for him leaves my energy fragmented and disjointed which negatively affects me now. What is it about forgiving abusive fathers? I feel that endeavor has been embraced and released and completed with this lifetime’s human father. And now this. Does it never end.

And then Blanket wraps up this kick in the gut exchange with another piece of the story that I had not yet known. S/he said that my Anunnaki father had been displeased (a stronger word needs to be used here but you get the point) with my eventual breaking away of his commands and the Anunnaki way of doing things. He had me killed. How does one forgive one's own murderer?

I am told to have a ceremony for my Anunnaki father while I am camping this weekend. As I jumped onto Eagle’s back I shook my arms in the air and raged and demanded that the Universe better Goddamn figure out how to support me in what seems to be an impossible task. And off we flew back to my body.


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