Shamanic Journey_Blanket

Last night in class, Jill proposed that we go on a journey for joy. She said in these difficult times during the COVID 19 pandemic, we can struggle with many difficult emotions such as fear and isolation. She wanted us to connect with joy - and if not that, at least happiness. I confess that my experience over that past several months has been for the most part, one of inner peace. I am blessed to have a job that I can do from home and I have relished the quiet. It has given me the opportunity to sink deep into my spiritual practice. I also confess to a bit of eye rolling when she mentioned the intention of last night’s journey. I profoundly appreciate that this is a crazy time full of uncertainty and that this would be a helpful journey...for most. I didn’t really think I needed it but I went along for the ride, so to speak. And sure as shootin, the journey was specifically for me. I’m going to stop right here and tell Jill thank you for this gift. And please forgive and disregard the eye rolling.  

As I mentioned in another post, I have a new Sacred Garden near my home in Boise, Idaho. But that’s not where I was taken last night. My Spirit Helpers told me that it was not safe to go there right now as there was too much happening in the skies - all of which we wanted to avoid. They took me to a temporary, nondescript, safe place. The benefit of knowing my Spirit Helpers so well is that I trust them implicitly. I knew I would be safe and so I went without hesitation. There, I met a new Spirit Helper. I’m still a bit confused by this one as I have never seen anything like it but it felt right and my trusted Helpers vouched for it. It looked like a thick slab or sheet of energy which waved as it moved. It reminded me of Aladdin's magic carpet as it flew, but this was thicker (about six inches) and it was made of pure energy. It moved toward me and over me and enveloped me. I felt perfectly calm (which to me is a good indicator that all is well), all the while trying to figure out what I was seeing. I asked its name and it said, “Blanket.” The plot thickens. I asked why it came to visit me and it told me that my Anunnaki father had just died (which I had felt the day before - no love lost there but it was powerful energy I had to deal with at the time). Blanket showed me how this being had placed a powerful barrier on me that kept me from feeling joy. As soon as this was told to me I could see that it was so. I had always wondered why my happy feelings seemed to have a damper on them. I have certainly had my share of trauma but I have also had much healing in my life. Regardless, the loving, joyful type of emotions continued to be muted; I could never penetrate it. Blanket said that now that the Anunnaki was dead, this barrier could be removed. I said yes!

Blanket continued to move through me and at times would twist itself looking like a dishrag being wrung out. It said that it would continue to work on me through the night and that I would feel the joy later. I was also told that the joy would build up in increments as I was not used to feeling it and if it came all at once it would be overwhelming. I gave thanks and returned to my body with my original Spirit Helper.


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