Shamanic Journey_My Left Breast

I woke at 3:00 am knowing it was time for another journey. Blanket had been working on me all night lifting and removing the joyful emotions barrier that had been placed on me by my Anunnaki father (see recent post). 

Immediately and before going on the second journey, I was drawn to a new energy I could feel in the lower left quadrant of my left breast. I intuitively knew that this was the potential beginnings of cancer. I also knew that I was supposed to ask about this energy in the journey which I was about to take. I was very hesitant to do so as I feared it would be bad news. My Helping Spirit and I returned to the secure, nondescript location where I again talked to Blanket. He told me that he had removed the barrier to joy. I could feel it was so, and then I felt an explosion that ripped throughout my whole body. It wasn’t painful but it made me gasp. I’m still sitting with that experience and it is difficult to put into words. After awhile I was able to ask about the energy in my left breast. I was told that it could have gone to cancer but now it could go to joy. Then the energy in my breast started to shift and move and blossom into something I imagine is called joy. What an incredible feeling. A new experience.

I asked why the joy started in my body at that location, of all places. I was then shown vignettes of short scenes from my life. *Being inappropriately touched on my breast by my father, grandfather and others when I was a child. *Stepping out of the shower when I was very pregnant and my breasts where huge - catching the expression in the mirror on the face of my then husband as he looked at my breast in horror and disgust (I didn’t know at the time that he was gay). *Being so ashamed of my breasts that I couldn’t see them in the mirror - for years. Of course the joy needed to start there. 


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