Learning to make a latte with love: Community Building

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How many careers have I had again?  I forget.  Well, whatever the number is, add one more to the list.  I just got a job in a coffee shop!  No, I’ve never sat down with a career advisor (which I have done many times over the years) and said, “What I really want to add to my resume is ‘Barista’.”  But I am a gal who keenly watches for, and does my darndest to follow the Flow.  What I mean by that is, there seems to be a beautiful, never ending flow to the Universe that is intricately connected to my intuition.  I have learned from trial and error and error and error to follow that Flow.  Does it make sense to my human brain and ego?  Rarely.  Does it feel right in the inner depths of my knowing?  Always.  

I start training next week and I have trepidation.  Not the deep soul knowing that warns, “Danger Will Robinson - you're headed the wrong way!”  But rather the, “This is a new experience and I don’t know what the hell I’m doing” kind of hesitation. Don’t tell my new boss but my coffee tastes like shit.  I’m laughing because how many times have I said, “I want to learn to make a good cup of coffee!!”  Be oh-so careful what you ask for.  The Universe IS listening.   

I’ve been working from home for the past four years, since the pandemic.  First for others and now - blissfully - for myself.  Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE working from home.  And I LOVE-LOVE working for myself.  Two years ago I quit the day job and took my side-gig (aka = “Soul’s Work’) and brought it to center stage.  And I haven’t looked back.  Until recently.  Something was missing.  Multiple meditations and discussions with my Spirit Guides later, I figured it out.  I miss working on a team; All hands on deck, headed towards a common goal.  My business checks most of the boxes for me in order to live a full and happy life.  (Read the very bottom of this post to see all of the cool stuff I get to do!)  I teach students and I work with clients, but that’s not the same as working on a team.  What to do?  

One of my current passions - and indeed, the Aquarian Age energy in which we are now recently in - is all about creating community.  Coming together for the betterment of the whole.  I am absolutely gaga over it.  It is a central theme in all of my classes, which along with teaching really awesome stuff, is a golden opportunity to meet like-minded people.  I mean really, where do you find them in my line of work?  I joke and say, do I need to go door-to-door?  And what would that look like?  

First Door:  “Hello.  My name is Susan.  Does anyone here sense energy?  See auras?  Have an insatiable desire to heal others with energy?  No?  Ok, thank you.  Have a nice day.”  

Next Door:  “Hello.  I’m Susan and I’m looking for new friends who experience some of the things I do.  Does anyone here see ghosts?  Talk to ghosts?  Help ghosts cross over to the other side when they are stuck here?  No?  Ok, thanks.  I appreciate your time.”  

Next Door:  “Anyone here have a best friend named Metatron?”  (heavy sigh as the door is slammed in my face)

There has got to be a better way.  This is why I encourage my students to seek out connections with each other while attending my classes.  Take full advantage of those kinds of opportunities.  And please don’t resort to the door-to-door method.  I don’t recommend it.

Back to my espresso dilemma.  There is a cool new coffee shop opening up in my neighborhood.  Oh, but this is not just any ordinary coffee shop.  Get this, their main theme is “Community building and finding common ground.”  I have found my peeps!  Normally this would not be enough to spur me on to seek a job.  But what does light a fire under me is my intuition and my Spirit Guides.  Right now, they are all pointing to the shop while saying, “Go there.”  How do I know that I’m on the right track according to my soul purpose regarding this decision?  I’m giddy-excited about it.  I don’t know what it will actually look like but I do know that I will be out in humanity in a way that I have never experienced before. 

This human energetic transition we are all going through right now is beyond rough.  With a lot of healing and support from said Spirit Helpers, I am learning to find joy in the crazy.  And I want to bring my joyful self to the trenches of life. I want to learn to make a latte with love.  You teach me how to make a great cup of coffee and I’ll bring the love.

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Book an appointment with Susan:
If you are interested in a remote energy healing or psychic reading you can book an appointment by phone here.

Susan Fullmer is a conscious channel, shamanic practitioner, psychic medium, energy healer, energy reader, teacher, mentor, group facilitator, nurse, and licensed massage therapist. She has been in private practice since 1990 with her business, Intuitive Explorations with Susan Fullmer.

She draws from decades of study and practice in the healing arts including 35 years of nursing (both medical and mental health) and massage therapy (with extensive study in energy medicine).  Susan has a plethora of experience in group facilitation, public speaking, mentorship, and teaching classes and workshops.  In 2019 she graduated from Boise State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Multidisciplinary Studies with certificates in Leadership and Human Relations, and Dispute Resolution.


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