Another Cheater Blog

Yea, I'm throwing that whole rule about not using my English papers for my blog out the window. Who thought up that rule any way? I think that I can safely promise that I won't post ALL of my papers. But this one is important to me as it talks about some of my reasons and goals for being in school. Read on.

The journal I have chosen for my English 102 project is the Journal of Holistic Nursing.  The journal’s mission statement is as follows:  Journal of Holistic Nursing (JHN) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal with a focus on integrating holistic health concepts with traditional Western medicine. JHN provides a forum for caring and innovative nurses in clinical practice, research, individual wellness practice, and academia to exchange critical information, share clinical and personal experiences, and communicate research pertaining to nursing practice, health care, wellness, healing, and human potential.

On March 17, 2015 I will have worked as a licensed practical nurse for 33 years.  I have one foot planted firmly in Western medicine.  The other foot, however, is not.  I have studied energy medicine (working with the body’s energy field) for 25 years, been a licensed massage therapist for 19 years, and have studied and practiced shamanic and other healing techniques for as long as I can remember.  That “foot” is not recognized by Western medicine, yet I have seen the powerful healing effects these and other “alternative” modalities can provide to the body, mind and that unnameable thing some people call the soul.  Over these many years I have seen that strong line drawn in the sand between Western and Alternative medicines begin to blur.  I want to be a part of that blurring and more importantly, I want to be a part of the integration of these two camps.  I plan to do that as a teacher and innovator of the medical model that I envision that will bring all useful practices to the health care table.  The Journal of Holistic Nursing seems a good place to start for my research project as they have already been doing this kind of work.  


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