A Pod

This is a pod.  This thing fascinates me.  One the first day of English I was the first one to walk into class and saw a room full of these things.  I was mystified and confused.  Are we supposed to sit in them?  And why are they on rollers?  What were we going to do with them?  In them?  I was a little scared so I slowed my pace and let other students overtake and pass me.  I watched to see what they would do.  Yes, you sit in them.  OK, I already sorta had that figured out.  But see that little basket underneath?  Not just a weird design flaw - you put your back pack in there.  And yes, the wheels are used, at least in this class they are.  We are always moving into small discussion groups.  But wait, it's not like in the olden days when you had to get up and and push a heavy chair/table combination around with it scrapping and scratching along the way...sometimes with the nails down the chalkboard effect (for those of you who remember chalk boards - topic for another blog).  Instead we stay seated and with a little push of our foot we are easily sliding into the new floor configuration.  And there's a little lip at the back of the table so your laptop doesn't slide off while you are taking notes.  What will they think of next?  Oh, but the best part of all - the cup holder.  Note to self:  Don't bring the big coffee mugs/water bottles.  They won't fit.

No, not that far back!

There it is.  Something along this line is what I used in high school.

And this is what I used in grade school.  Do you remember trying to hold papers and books on the table while you lifted it up to get something out?  Sometimes it worked and some times it all slid to the floor.  And no, that's not me pictured.  It's an internet somebody.


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